Pittsburgh, PA, is bracing for the Spotted Lanternfly invasion of 2024. At Superior Lawn Care, we’ve put together the tips and tools you need to keep your trees safe from these pests.
The Spotted Lanternfly, a pest native to Southeast Asia, has been causing problems for Pennsylvania since its first appearance in 2014. Easy to recognize by its black spots on a red backdrop, this insect eats up tree sap and damages our local trees.
These pests are known as planthoppers, meaning they are related to the grasshopper and can grow up to 1” in length, with a wingspan ranging from 1.5” – 2.0”. The adult spotted lantern fly has four distinct states of growth: egg mass, nymphs, adult, and overwintering.
As we look towards 2024, we must understand the threat these pests pose. When they feed on tree sap, they create wounds in the trees, which makes them more susceptible to disease and death.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) has some tips for handling this invasion. One approach is tree banding in late summer, which means putting a sticky substance around tree trunks to trap the bugs. Another simple technique is squashing any Spotted Lanternfly you come across.
It is also recommended that you check your firewood, decorations, and plants for lanternflies before bringing them in. Also, always inspect your car, especially when traveling.
If you spot these pests around your home or anywhere in the area, report them. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has an online form where you can notify them of any sightings. Photos are also encouraged to be included in your report in non-quarantined areas.