3 Common Lawn Diseases that Will Affect Your Lawn’s Look and Overall Health | Superior Lawn Care
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3 Common Lawn Diseases that Will Affect Your Lawn’s Look and Overall Health

As a homeowner in Pittsburgh, it is essential to be aware of the various lawn diseases that can affect your grass. From red thread and dollar spot to gray snow mold, these common lawn diseases can have a significant impact on your lawn’s look and overall health if not treated properly. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what each of these three common lawn diseases is, the signs of them in your lawn, and tips for how to prevent or treat them.

Red Thread Lawn Disease

Lawn DiseasesThis lawn disease is caused by the fungus Laetisaria fuciformis. Red thread often appears in lawns during periods of warm and moist weather. Signs include pink or reddish-brown patches of grass with a “thread-like” appearance. The disease can spread quickly if left untreated.

The best way to control red thread is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. This can be done by following proper lawn care practices such as mowing regularly at a height of two to three inches, fertilizing with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer, and irrigating infrequently but deeply. If red thread does occur, it should be treated with a fungicide or biological control agent. Additionally, infected grass clippings should be disposed of in the trash, not composted or left on the lawn.

Dollar Spot Disease in Western PA

Dollar spot is another common lawn disease that is caused by the fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Signs of dollar spot include small, circular patches of tan or straw-colored grass with a “dollar” shape. The disease often appears during periods of warm and humid weather and can spread quickly if left untreated.

The best way to control dollar spot is through proper lawn care practices such as mowing regularly at a height of two to three inches, irrigating infrequently but deeply, and fertilizing with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Additionally, removing thatch on the lawn can help reduce the occurrence of dollar spot. If dollar spot does occur, it should be treated with either a fungicide or biological control agent.

Leaf Spot Disease

Leaf spot is a lawn disease caused by the fungus Drechslera spp. Signs of leaf spot include irregular-shaped patches of dead, discolored grass. The disease can spread quickly if left untreated and often appears during periods of warm and humid weather.

The best way to control leaf spot is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. This can be done by following proper lawn care practices such as mowing regularly at a height of two to three inches, fertilizing with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer, and irrigating infrequently but deeply. Additionally, removing thatch on the lawn can help reduce the occurrence of leaf spot.

If leaf spot does occur, it should be treated with a fungicide or biological control agent. Additionally, infected grass clippings should be disposed of in the trash, not composted or left on the lawn.

Noticing Lawn Disease or Other Issues? Call Superior Lawn Care Today!
These are just three common lawn diseases that can affect your grass in Pennsylvania. If you think your lawn may be affected by one of these or any other disease, it is crucial to contact the professionals at Superior LawnCare for help as soon as possible. Our qualified lawn care experts will be able to diagnose the issue and provide our Five-Application Lawn Program treatments to keep your lawn healthy!
With the right knowledge and care from Superior Lawn Care, you can keep your lawn healthy and beautiful all year long! Keep an eye out for these common diseases and take the necessary steps to ensure that your grass is in optimal condition. Contact us today to learn more!