Relieving Summer Stress on Your Lawn | Superior Lawn Care
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Relieving Summer Stress on Your Lawn

It has been an unusually hot, humid summer here in Pittsburgh. The high heat and humidity can put a lot of stress on your lawn, causing it to wilt or turn brown and put it at a higher risk for damaging fungus. At Superior Lawn Care, we’ve put together some tips to help relieve the stress the summer weather has placed on your lawn.

Water Your Lawn Regularly

It is essential for your lawn to get roughly 1 – 1 ½ inches of water per week or 1/3 inches of water a day. It is best to water your grass in the morning to give the water a chance to soak into the ground before the temperature rises. If the weather is 90+ degrees, consider watering your lawn once in the morning and once in the afternoon, but be careful not to overwater.

Avoid watering in the evenings because you could create an environment where fungus and other lawn diseases will thrive. Consider using a smart timer that adjusts watering based on local weather conditions, such as rainfall and temperature, to help you conserve water.summer lawn care

Manage the Weeds in the Lawn

Weeds are not only unsightly, but they also rob your lawn of the water, nutrients, and sunlight it needs to thrive. Weeds also tend to spread rapidly and can quickly become a problem if they are left uncontrolled, so it is essential to take care of weeds as soon as they begin to appear on your lawn.

Fertilize for a Fuller Law

When you feed your lawn, you are providing it with the nutrients needed to grow thicker and remain healthy in the summer heat. Regular feedings with grass food will allow your lawn to grow fuller, helping to keep the soil cool in the heat. Avoid overfeeding your lawn, which could lead to grass fungus and cause more stress to your lawn’s health.

Use Proper Mowing Technique

It is crucial to keep your mower blades sharp. This allows for a clean, healthy cut. If the blades are dull, it can cause the blades to crush the end of the grass rather than cut it. This tearing can result in the grass turning brown and becoming more likely to be infested with disease or pests.

Be sure to mow your lawn in the morning before the sun is at its highest point. The heat of afternoon sun combined with the heat of the mower could scorch your grass. Also, avoid mowing your lawn under 3”. This will provide the grass with more leaf area for photosynthesis, allowing the grass to grow stronger roots which will encourage new growth and help to prevent weeds.

Keep an Eye Out for Fungus

The caustic humidity that Pittsburgh has experienced this summer is the cause of many fungal infections in lawns. A hot and wet environment is the perfect breeding ground for a range of lawn diseases.

A common summer lawn disease is dollar spot. This fungus is common in the summertime, thriving due to cool nights that are heavy with dew. This disease appears as small yellowish 1-2-inch spots in your lawn. If left untreated, the spots can begin to merge into larger yellow spots throughout your lawn.

Brown patch is another fungal disease that strikes during hot, humid weather, spreading quickly and causing circular areas of brown or dead grass. At Superior Lawn Care, we have fungicides available to cure these lawn diseases for a greener, healthier lawn.

Prepare for Fall with Professional Lawn Care

Following these tips will help you prepare your lawn for Superior Lawn Care’s fall special offer of aeration, overseeding, and lime treatment.  As part of our Five-Application Lawn Care Program, our fall lawn care will help to replenish your lawn, helping to encourage new grass and root growth during the fall growing season for a thicker, healthier lawn.

Our Five-Application Lawn Care Program will keep your lawn looking its best all year round! We proudly serve southwestern Pennsylvania, including Upper St. Clair, Murrysville, Cranberry, North Huntingdon, Moon Township, and throughout the Pittsburgh area. Call or contact us today to learn more about our lawn care program.

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