Hot, humid days and rainy nights are in full force in Pittsburgh this summer. These hot conditions could lead to your lawn losing its healthy, lush texture and bright green color. With these lawn care tips, you can beat the summer heat and revitalize your yard for a beautiful landscape.
Give Your Lawn the Nutrients It Needs
Keep your lawn healthy and thriving in the summer heat with regular feeding. With frequent grass food feedings, you can grow a thicker, fuller lawn. This will help to keep the soil cool and moist throughout the hot summer day.
Keep Your Lawn Hydrated
Another way to keep your lawn looking its best is proper, consistent watering. It is recommended that you water your lawn in the morning when the temperature is cooler. This will allow the water to more efficiently soak into the ground before the hotter temperature causes the water to evaporate.
You should water your lawn a few times a week in half-hour increments. This will ensure your lawn gets 1 -1 ½ inches of water. It is crucial to avoid watering your lawn in the evening to help prevent fungus and other turf diseases from affecting your lawn. Whether you use a sprinkler or a hose, the primary goal is to water your lawn in the morning, heavily and consistently every week.
Avoid Mowing Too Short
While mowing your lawn is a significant part of your lawn’s health, if the mowing is done incorrectly, it can damage the lawn. When mowing, it is essential to avoid mowing your grass lower than 3” to encourage new growth in your lawn. You also want to avoid taking off more than 1/3 of the total leaf surface when mowing your lawn.
Longer grass keeps the soil cool and moist while also providing more leaf area for photosynthesis. This helps the grass grow stronger roots, encourages new growth and prevents weeds. You should also avoid weed whacking the edges of your lawn too low. If you cut them down too low, it can result in weeds or crabgrass growing there.
Maintain Your Mowing Equipment
When mowing your lawn, it is crucial to be sure that your equipment is properly maintained. When you mow your lawn with dull blades, it can cause the blade to crush the end of the grass instead of cutting it. This smashing or tearing can cause your grass to become brown and can also leave it more vulnerable to disease or pests.
Mow at the Right Time of Day
The perfect time to mow your lawn is in the morning when the temperature is still cool. If you wait until the afternoon to mow your lawn, the combination of the heat and the mowing action can damage and burn your grass.
Professional Lawn Maintenance Year-Round
In addition to these lawn care tips, Superior Lawn Care can help you keep your lawn lush and green this summer with our annual
Five-Application Lawn Program. With a combination of custom-blended fertilizer and broadleaf weed control, our Superior Lawn Care Technicians can keep your lawn thriving throughout the summer. We proudly serve all of southwestern PA, including Belle Vernon, Upper St. Clair, New Stanton, and throughout the Pittsburgh area.